Besides works by Moritz Götze, Daniel Spoerri, Erwin Wurm and other artists, some new works by me will also be on display in the group exhibition “Please take Place!” at Museum Villa Rot and Burgrieden from July 7 to October 6, 2024. The exhibition was curated by Dr. Sabine Heilig.
“Sitting together at the table, eating and socializing around the table – that’s actually a daily experience. But what is our relationship to dining culture today? Whether traditional dining or an examination of our eating habits: What and how do we eat today? And when and on what occasions? To what extent is the “table” still an important object of communication today or do we no longer take the time to come together at a table?
These questions can be pondered by looking at works of art by contemporary artists on the subject.
The exhibition shows different approaches. These range from moments of time-out and enjoyment to statements on current eating culture and its excesses. Contemporary receptions of historical models will also be on display.”
– Museum Villa Rot

Max Bill // Christine Braun // Anke Eilergerhard // Moritz Götze // Hartmut Kiewert // Gabriele Langendorf // Anja Luithle // Mado Nullans // Hans (Nick) Roericht // Daniel Spoerri // Eckart Steinhauser // Ben Willikens // Erwin Wurm
Museum Villa Rot
Schlossweg 2
88483 Burgrieden
Duration of exhibition
7 Juli – 6 October 2024
7 Juli, 11 am (free entry until 1 pm)
2 pm Vernissage guidet tour
(I will be present at the opening)
Opening hours
Sun ans Fri: 11 am – 5 pm
Thue – Sat: 2 – 5 pm
Admission fees
Adults: 6 €
Senior citizens, students, trainees, groups of 10 persons or more, holders of a
of an SZ subscription card p. p.: € 4
Families: 10 €
Members of the Freundeskreis: free
Pupils: free