Exhibition at Kunstverein der Stadt Glauchau e. V. with works from the lithography workshops of the HGB Leipzig, HfBK Dresden and Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle. Among others, two works of mine from my student days are on display.

Workshop for Lithography of the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig:
Eva Grabeldinger // Fedele Friede // Louis Wuttke // Ellen Kolbe // Kazuki Koga, Gregor Beiwl // Ofra Ohana // Christian Bald // Johannes Unger // Nick Horter // Gesa Foken // Jean Drache
Workshop for Lithography of the University of Fine Arts (HfBK) Dresden:
Ana Pireva // Sarah Steuer // Youngmin Lee // Luise Lena Kleuser // Lea Tofahrn // Emiel Donath // Fabian Stark // Jannik Schindler // Borsten Batzk
Workshop for lithography of the Burg Giebichenstein Halle University of Applied Sciences:
Bianca Strauch // Alvaro Terrones // Torsten Enzio Richter // Hartmut Kiewert // Christine Pilkenrodt // Simon Malinowsky
4 May with panel discussion with exhibiting artists and Oliver Kossack.
Music: Steffi and Latschesar Kauer
Kunstverein der Stadt Glauchau art gluchowe e.V.
Schloßplatz 5a
08371 Glauchau
Exhibition duration
04. May – 18. June 2023
Opening hours
Tue – Fri: 11 am – 5 pm
Sat, Sun, holiday: 14 – 17 pm