ANIMAL UTOPIA, Stadtmuseum Döbeln

From March 25 to May 20, 2022 I exhibit in the Small Gallery in the City Museum Döbeln.

“Hartmut Kiewert’s paintings suggest a world in which humans and other animals meet at eye level and there is no longer animal exploitation. In his paintings, the Leipzig artist creates scenarios of an equal coexistence of humans and other animals.

Although there are far more pigs, cows, chickens and other so-called “farm animals” than people in Germany, we hardly ever get to see them. Hartmut Kiewert makes these animals visible again in our everyday world in his paintings. Humans and other animals meet at eye level, multispecies communities conquer the urban space. Animals appear as actors and co-creators and question the role assigned to them as a resource for human utilization.”

As part of the exhibition, there will be lectures on animal rights, organic-vegan agriculture and the history of the animal movement with speakers Hilal Sezgin (philosopher), Daniel Hausmann (farmer) and Tom Zimmermann (historian). The opening speech will be given by Luise Thieme (art therorist).

March 25, 2022, 7:30 pm
with music by Almut Voigt & Anja Fischer (cello & bassoon)
The opening speech will be held by Luise Thieme (art theorist).

Exhibition duration
March 25 – May 20, 2022

Supporting programme (german language only)
08.04.2022, 7 pm
Lecture of the philosopher Hilal Sezgin: “Die Rechte der Tiere”

29.04.2022, 7 pm
Lecture of the farmer Daniel Hausmann “Landwirtschaft ohne Tiere?”

20.05.2022, 7 pm
Finissage with lecture of the historian Tom Zimmermann “Von Tierschutz zu Tierrecht – eine historische Spurensuche”

The framework programme is supported by the Fincke Foundation and the association Mensch-Tier-Bildung.

Opening hours
Mon: closed
Tue: 10 am – 6 pm
Wed & Thu: 10 am – 4 pm
Fri: 09 am – 12 am
every 1. and 3. Saturday of the month 2 – 5 pm
and by appointment

Wearing an FFP2 mask is strongly recommended.

City Hall Döbeln
City Museum/Kleine Galerie
Obermarkt 1
04720 Döbeln

phone: +49 (0) 3431 579-137

current and upcoming exhibitions

03.10.2024 – 02.03.2025
Hello Nature. Wie wollen wir zusammen leben?
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg

25.10.2024 – 13.04.2025
Verrückt nach Fleisch
Museum Brot und Kunst, Ulm

20. – 23.02.2025
art Karlsruhe
Galerie KK Klaus Kiefer

06.06 – 05.10.2025
NordArt 2025
Kunstwerk Carlshütte


“The position that non-human animals occupy in our cultural imagination is proof for how easy it is to accept the lower status of some beings without even a second thought.”

― Aph Ko