On 20. – 27. May 2017 Zukunftvisionen2017 – Festival for contemporary art takes place in former store Totschek in Steinstraße 2 – 5 in Görlitz. For one week 20 artists will show their works in Görlitz or peform at one of the Evenings. I will take part with two large works (»Mall II« and »Large Picnic«) and one middle sized work (»Café«). There will be guided tours through the exhibiton on each day in German, English und Polish.
Opening hour and admission:
20 May: 17 – 20 h
21. May: 11 – 19 h
22. – 24. May: 14 – 19 h
25. and 26. May: 11 – 19 h
27. May: 11 – 20 h
Admission per day: 5,- Euro; reduced: 3,- Euro