»Schweinezyklus« – Exhibition at Lesecafé Anständig essen, Erlangen

The main theme in Hartmut Kiewert’s artwork is the human animal relationship and dominion questioning perspectives on this relationship. The dominion questioning aspect appears not directly, but on the second view. On a briefly glimpse the paintings seem to show idyllic animal nature scenes. On a second sight you realise overgrown ruins of former animal exploitation institutions in the background of the images ­– and you realise, that these are scenes of an utopian idyll.

The exhibition runs from June 1th until September 4th.

Lesecafé Anständig essen
Hauptstraße 55
91054 Erlangen

Opening hours in June:

Monday, 9th June 2014, 10 – 13 h
Saturday, 14th June 2014, 17 – 21 h
Tuesday, 17th June 2014, 17 – 21 h
Saturday, 21th June 2014, 11:30 – 20:30 h
Sunday, 22th June 2014, 10 – 15:30 h
Wednesday, 25th June 2014, 17 – 21 h
Saturday, 28th June 2014, 11:30 – 20:30 h



current and upcoming exhibitions

25.10.2024 – 13.04.2025
Verrückt nach Fleisch
Museum Brot und Kunst, Ulm

09.05. – 21.06.2025
Solo exhibition
Christel Wagner Galerie, Frankfurt (Main)

06.06. – 05.10.2025
NordArt 2025
Kunstwerk Carlshütte

20.07. – 24.08.2025
75. Bayreuther Kunstausstellung
Schlossgalerie Bayreuth

30.07 – 13.08.2025
WERKSCHAU, Spinnerei Leipzig


“The position that non-human animals occupy in our cultural imagination is proof for how easy it is to accept the lower status of some beings without even a second thought.”

― Aph Ko